Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bad recipes online; I'm venting, sorry.

I was just browsing around for good recipe ideas, and I just had to vent about something. For one thing, I was reminded of sticking to USDA-approved recipes. Yes, I can hear some of the black-helicopter-fearing folks now, and how the US government is in the pockets of this, that and the other groups. However, I want to live a long and happy life, and there is a LOT of research and data behind their recipes. There are some very dangerous canning recipes online. "But Marty, my ma and her ma used this recipe and nobody ever got sick." Yeah, and a few people live to be 92 years old and smoke 2 packs per day.
Another bad-recipe finding I have seen is bad measurements. "Use 3 onions". Uh, duh, is that 3 onions-the-size-of-Buicks? Is that 3 small onions? The difference can be huge, and costly in the results.
How about recipes where the author doesn't know the difference between a 'T' and a 't', or a TS and a ts. It would be nice if they all used TBSP or tsp, or TB and ts, or simply TABLESPOON and teaspoon.
I just saw a recipe online where the person said 'fill a bowl with sliced cucumbers'. What's a bowl? Sliced how thick?
Proofread, people! 13 TBSP of turmeric (instead of 1 or 3 TBSP) is enough to taint the waters of a large swimming pool, and not to be used in a recipe.
The worst offending website is, where anybody can post anything. It's almost funny, some of the recipes; "Cook until done", "Hete on hi heet til it looks like itz about reddy" "Add enuf habeneros til you think yu have enuf"
OK, I'm not perfect, but things like this really drive me nutso, and I will strive to never post anything like these examples. If you see me straying off the beaten path of common sense and proper English usage, PLEASE post a comment and whack me upside the head.

Next: bread and butter pickles



  1. I agree. I've printed out some recipes, because I wanted to make some relishes with my cukes. But, when they say "6 cucumbers" or "12 onions" is frustrating. I much prefer measurements.

    I realize that relish, however, is somewhat relative. I did make up a zucchini cookbook, though, and if you were interested, I think I can put it into Adobe format and send it to you. I found some interesting recipes. One of my favorites that I've adapted is Zucchini confetti relish. It makes a wonderful gift.

  2. Thanks Becky! Sure, send it to me, You should post it online somewhere.

  3. Thanks Rona, I agree. Even if the ratings are not fake, I find them unreliable. There are too many people that settle for mediocrity or bad recipes. ANYONE can create a site and make it look good.
    It seems that, for canning recipes, the only thing I will try any more are recipes from the Canning group on Facebook that I belong to. There I will get real, critical input from experienced canners, and if someone doesn't like it, I will read about it!
